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You have acquired a fine handcrafted leather item. For this reason, it deserves to be maintained with attention. Please follow these simple steps:

Leather Product: 

  • Store in its original biodegradable dust bag when not in use and keep in cool breathable areas and do not store in a damp area to halt the growth of mold. 
  • Allow your bag to rest, an everyday use of your bag will eventually wear it out, so switch it up. 
  • Some of our bags have been richly-dyed, please consider this when worn with lightly colored attire in order to prevent color transfer.

Natural Fibers & Leather:

  • Store in its original biodegradable dust bag and not in a plastic because this woven material needs to breath when not in use.
  • Do not store it in a damp area to halt the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Allow your bag to rest, an everyday use of your bag will eventually wear it out, so switch it up
  • Some of our bags are made with richly-dyed colors, please consider this when worn with lightly colored attire in order to prevent color transfer. Prevent color transfer by consciously resisting the urge to rest your bag against your clothes or leaving it in high temperature areas. (This material may also discolour under high temperatures)
  • Clean your bag down gently with a soft bristle brush.
  • To maintain straw fibers, always wipe in the direction of the weave and not against it.
  • Please be aware that the natural colors from fibers may fade with time.